Off Limits Press will open for Collection Pitches for the 2025 publishing calendar on February 1st and close on February 7, 2024 @ 12 midnight CST. Check out the details below!
Please send your pitches to
Pitches should be no more than 1-2 pages covering themes, number of stories, word count, number of original vs. reprint stories, etc. All the pertinent details. (.docx, .doc, PDF preferred)
Do NOT sent the complete manuscript. If I am interested, I will request the manuscript upon reading your pitch.
Please include a brief bio in the body of your submission email.
For ease of sorting, please frame your email subjects: COLLECTION PITCH: Author Name.
Additionally, though we think we shouldn’t have to say so, we will not accept any AI-generated submissions. We will be taking every precaution to weed those out and you will be required to sign a document stating the manuscript was in no way produced by AI programs if your submission is selected.